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KPIs for Field Service Management: 14 Mission-Critical Field Service Metrics

October 11, 2021

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KPIs are important for businesses to meet their objectives and track their return on investment (ROI). If the KPIs are not identified and monitored, it’s almost impossible to know how the organization is performing and what needs to be done to meet the company goals.For a field service business, aligning the KPIs with the company’s strategic goals is an excellent place to start. Field service metrics can be tailored to the daily workflow and challenges of field service operations.This article lists the different KPIs you need to set up for your field service management staff based on their job roles. So, let’s get started.

The KPIs for Field Service Management

Although KPIs are essential for field service companies, they can deliver mission-critical data only if you choose the right ones. Using the right KPIs effectively can increase productivity, improve customer service, and boost profits.Here are fourteen core field workforce management KPIs you can track for each job role:

KPIs for Dispatchers and Schedulers

  1. Time to first contact

Getting in touch with customers as soon as they indicate their interest increases your chances of sale and engages the customer from the very start. If you don’t track this KPI, your prospective customers won’t wait to hear from you; they will go to your competitors.To reduce time to first contact, consider integrating scheduling software with your CRM or sales platform. It will be easier for you to reach out to the client, schedule the appointment, and seal the deal.

  1. Time to schedule

If the scheduling is delayed, fewer jobs are booked throughout the day, decreasing utilization and lowering productivity. When you monitor this KPI with the aim of scheduling appointments faster, you will increase your workforce utilization and earn more revenue.

  1. Time taken to travel

How much time does your technician take to reach the job site? This is another KPI to consider. If the travel time is high, it could mean any of these things:

  • You have too few technicians expert at specific skills.
  • Your technicians are sent to attend service calls far away from where they are.
  • Too many last-minute service calls are added to the schedule.

When you track this KPI, you’ll figure out the reason and come up with potential solutions. If the route is the issue, consider a field service management solution that provides your field workers with the best route that can be accessed on their mobile phones.

  1. Schedulers to field workers ratio

Measuring how many schedulers are required to allocate jobs to all deskless workers helps you plan your current and future staffing needs. A high ratio means more field workers per scheduler, and a low ratio means fewer field workers per scheduler. Figure out your ideal ratio of schedulers to deskless workers. Your ideal ratio will be the right number of field workers assigned to each scheduler to get work done optimally without getting overburdened. You might need to make a few adjustments depending on your situation to reach this ideal ratio.

KPIs for Field Service Managers

  1. Average work orders closed per day

It’s important to measure the average work orders closed per day. This allows you to understand issues related to work orders, scheduling optimization, and worker productivity. You can use these insights to optimize the scheduling process. This will change the overall dynamics of your business operations, ensuring greater productivity and customer satisfaction.

  1. Percentage of field service visits completed within the target response time

Measuring this KPI indicates how many service calls were completed within the target response time. Achieving 100% is nearly impossible because there will always be unforeseen circumstances, but achieving 90% is possible.

  1. Percentage of issues resolved on the first visit

When you measure the first visit success rate, you can use this data to optimize productivity, increase profitability, and improve the customer retention rate of your field service business. Constant improvement to this KPI can make your business less likely to lose time and resources for issue resolution. Arming your workers with information updates in real-time and frequent training can help improve this KPI.

  1. Meantime to complete a work order

If the average time to resolve an issue is less, then there are opportunities to complete more work orders. Support this KPI by considering all the aspects that can speed up the process. Effective communication between technicians and dispatchers, optimal route to each job site, access to real-time information, etc., can help speed up the process. This can be achieved by integrating your existing systems with field service management software.

  1. Rework percentage

With this KPI, you can monitor how often a rework has to be done for a particular job. If this percentage is high, it’s a red flag, indicating that either inaccurate job requirements were followed or the job was incorrectly done the first time around.

KPIs for Deskless Workers /Technicians/ Engineers/Field Service Workers

  1. Customer satisfaction

You must measure customer satisfaction through customer surveys or other methods to evaluate how effective your customer interactions were. The higher the customer satisfaction, the higher will be your retention rates, referrals, and profits.

  1. Field visits per worker per day

When you monitor each field service worker’s number of visits in a day, you can easily identify the most productive workers. This information is valuable when you have to decide about bonuses, promotions, salary hikes, etc. This KPI also helps motivate other field workers to meet their goals at the end of each day.

  1. Average distance traveled per worker per work order per day

Schedules have to be well-planned and optimized in terms of the distance to and between each job site. If it’s not optimized, it can worsen when last-minute changes are added to the technicians’ schedules. Measuring this KPI will give you an insight into how best to allocate the right job to the right technician at the right time. This can lead to significant savings in fuel costs and proper utilization of resources.

  1. Worker idle time

Idle time doesn’t necessarily mean that technicians are whiling away their time. This KPI measures the technician’s time at the base, which cannot be billed to the customers. The idle time could be spent looking for customer locations, waiting for spare parts, and other issues.

  1. Completed vs. invoiced jobs

By measuring this KPI, you are ensuring that your company receives payments quickly for services rendered. In an ideal world, the completed vs. invoiced jobs ratio should be 1:1, but it’s not the case in reality. It is not possible to issue an invoice as soon as the job is completed. But with the help of field service management software, it is possible. Your technicians can issue on-spot invoices and receive online payments.


Tracking field service metrics is of paramount importance for field service management. However, it’s not as easy as it seems. With outdated systems and manual tools, tracking your KPIs can be an overwhelming task.Zuper offers a highly intelligent field service management solution to help you track KPIs, spot loopholes and inefficiencies in your processes, and streamline your field service business operations. With powerful tools to optimize travel routes, analyze productivity, and empower your field workers for better service delivery, you can stay ahead of the competition and steer your organization toward unparalleled growth.



Picture of Shivasankari Bhuvaneswaran
Shivasankari Bhuvaneswaran

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