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5 Golden Rules for a High-Performance Field Service Team

January 25, 2024

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What’s the point of having a great product if you don’t have a great team? Have you considered that your field service team is the face of your brand? They represent you to your customers in a way your marketing materials don’t— is it a horror or a blessing? 

Certainly, it is a blessing if your field team is top-notch and constantly meeting or exceeding customer expectations. But this relies on building a strong service team prepared for whatever your customers might throw at them. So, how do you get there? Do you have a strategy for that, or are you just leaving it to chance? 

Regardless of where you are right now, you must follow these five golden rules. Trust us, it will help you build a solid team that can help you scale your business. 

1.  Delight your employees with smart solutions

What could be more important than keeping your team happy? Adequate compensation and positive work conditions play a significant role in creating a happy and high-performing team. So, be mindful of workloads and downtime, and make sure you are offering fair pay for the work they provide. This is basic psychology: a team that gets what they want is more likely to give you what you want. So, it all comes down to reducing workload. You might be wondering if it is even feasible. Believe us, this is where many businesses go wrong, not knowing the power of this single change that can pull tremendous productivity from your team. 

Don’t worry! You have all sorts of technology to help you in this process. If your team can finish a job in an hour by calling back and forth, collecting details, and clarifying doubts, they can finish a job probably in 15 minutes with a Mobile FSM software solution that gives full visibility to the job assisting with real-time monitoring. In the sameway time tracking tools are a huge benefit to you and your team.

>>Fuel workplace productivity with Zuper’s Mobile FSM solution

2. Build motivation with your brand value and culture

The big issue with motivation is that your team should be self-motivated to boost customer satisfaction with quality service. If you can acquire this, you can solve field service problems 100% smoothly. There is no better way to improve performance than to make your team emotionally connected with the work. But motivation cannot be forced into a team; it must come from within. 

The only thing you can do here is educate your crew on your company’s values and goals. Here, two things are crucial—first, you need to have a powerful brand value and a dynamic culture. Second, having one isn’t enough; your team should see the passion in you and other leadership members. Only this, accompanied by the understanding of brand values, can instill the passion that will result in a high-performing field service team. 

3. Communication is the goalkeeper of a high-performing team

Communication stands as the goalkeeper for a high-performing team. It is the key to trust. As Jeff Bezos, the Founder and CEO of Amazon, says, “Without effective communication, there is no trust. Without trust, there is no team. Without a team, there is no great company.”

A great company hinges on having a strong team. So, here’s our third golden rule for building that stellar team: communicate your needs clearly to your team. But it doesn’t stop there. Your duty extends to ensuring smooth communication not only within your team but also between your field team and the office team. This interconnected communication web is vital for the seamless functioning of a high-performing crew.

>>Bridge the gap between your field team and office operations

4. Create a consistent feedback loop

Building on effective communication, it’s crucial to understand that communication is truly successful when it is a two-way street. It is not just about talking; it is about creating a continuous loop with feedback. It is essential to give feedback to your team, but equally important to encourage them to share their thoughts too. That’s the magic of effective communication.

Taking it a step further, you should train your team not only to appreciate the feedback they get internally but also to value the input from customers. When communication and feedback work hand-in-hand, it does more than eliminate unnecessary calls and delays; it ensures high first-time fix rates. A top-notch crew will take customer feedback as a valuable starting point to enhance their skills and deliver even better service.

>> How customer feedback drives your business growth

5. Eliminate inefficiencies with the knowledge repository

Creating a knowledge repository is a key strategy to prevent field service teams from performing poorly. This means gathering detailed documents and multimedia resources that explain how to do all the tasks. By putting the diagnosis and solutions in text, images, videos, and audio, organizations can make sure they don’t lose important knowledge when key people leave.

Remember, this isn’t a one-time thing. It needs to be checked and made better regularly. Doing this manually can be hard—even impossible. That’s where a field service management solution comes in handy. It makes keeping records and documentation easy and organized. With a central database, your team can learn, analyze, and perform better. It is like having a digital helper to keep everything in order.

>> Grab your slot to scale your business growth

Happy team = happy customers

Don’t forget: focusing on employee happiness isn’t just good for team spirit, it’s the key to unlocking top-notch customer satisfaction. Stick to these golden rules for a cheerful field team, and watch your customers stay happy too.

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Picture of Jenefa Sweetlyn
Jenefa Sweetlyn
Jenefa Sweetlyn excels at writing straight-to-the-point, informative blogs that respect your valuable time. Her enthusiasm lies in empowering businesses with technology, especially intrigued by how field service management solutions can improve a company's ROI.

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